Theft Investigation

The term Theft Investigations, as you might have guessed, covers a huge category as well as many possible scenarios. We get inquiries about many thefts related issues. In this instance we are only going to touch upon a few because there are simply too many possibilities and not enough time. The methods used to resolve the matters may vary, but the basic questions always remain the same. Listed below are some of the more common inquiries that we receive:

Theft of money

Theft of physical property

Theft of inventory

Theft of intellectual property

Theft of services

And others

Theft investigations and other criminal investigations require experience and creativity to solve and resolve these situations. Whether its employee theft, family theft, neighbor theft or any other matter involving this crime, Our Detective Services offers a variety of ways to detect and uncover theft suspects as well as provide solutions. Our investigators are skilled at documenting and providing court room quality evidence to help convict the thief.

Our Detective Services uncovers theft and provides solutions. Our experienced investigators provide guidance and experience to handle the most delicate of situations.  In India we know how to work with and without the police assistance and will help take the case from beginning to end.

Cases Handled:

Theft of Property

Employee Theft

Personal Matters

Family Issues